
How good commercial air conditioning makes for a happier and healthier workplace

  • A group of young business team working together on a new project in a modern office with laptops and tablets.

Running a business is hard.

You’ve got to make all the big decisions about your direction, products, costs, and so on – each of which can have huge impacts on your business’ survival.

However, there are also plenty of smaller decisions you’ll have to make.

Things like decor and even air conditioning can make a difference to your business, and not always in the ways you think!

Today, we’ll be exploring some of the lesser-known benefits of office air conditioning.

How commercial air conditioning keeps everyone healthy

Commercial air conditioning doesn’t just keep things nice and cool in summer.

Air conditioners are also great at dehumidifying and cleaning the air of particles.

Not only does this make your office or workplace a lot more comfortable, but it also keeps everybody healthy too!

For starters, air conditioner is your best weapon against mould growth.

Mould needs three things to take hold: food, shade, and moisture.

While it can’t help with the first two, office air conditioning eliminates the third, protecting you, your team, and your office from nasty mould growth.

Furthermore, air conditioning systems are great at removing contaminants such as dust and pollen from indoor air. This means cleaner air for everybody in the building to enjoy.

If your workplace is full of people with chronic hay fever or respiratory conditions like asthma, these features can be lifesavers.

Just remember that these contaminants have to go somewhere. Usually, that means in your air conditioner.

You can avoid blockages and clogs by getting your commercial air conditioning system inspected and serviced every few months.

Keep your customers on board with commercial air conditioning

Everyone knows that first impressions matter. What you mightn’t know is how much time you have to make one!

Go on, take a guess at how long you have to leave a good impression.

Two minutes? Lower.

One? Lower still.

Thirty seconds? Keep going.

The brain works fast. A first impression can be formed in as little as 7 seconds – according to some studies, some people form impressions in the blink of an eye.

Naturally, a strong first impression is essential!

Even the tiniest things can influence a customer’s thoughts about you and impact how likely they are to make a purchase.

Oftentimes, that can include the temperature when customers and clients walk in.

A workplace or shop that’s unbearably stuffy can leave a sour taste in a customer or client’s mouth.

Sometimes, that by itself might be enough to put the brakes on a potential sale.

The moral of this story? You need commercial air conditioning!

Women working in an office using commercial air conditioning.

Hot and bothered – how air conditioning builds a happier workplace

Hot weather irritates people – science backs us up on this.

It shouldn’t take years and years of research to tell you that hot weather gets us all – what else? – hot and bothered.

Likewise, it also shouldn’t take a scientific study to convince you that irritated customers, clients, and staff aren’t exactly great for a happy and effective workplace!

Commercial air conditioning has the power to cool things down at your workplace, in both senses of the word.

If you want to avoid summer meltdowns and blow-ups, functioning air conditioning is a must-have.

Better air conditioning = better working conditions

Certain workplaces have greater need for air conditioning than others – let’s look at restaurants as an example.

Commercial kitchens are some of the hottest workplaces around. You’ve got stoves and ovens heating up the place, not to mention humidity thanks to steam, condensation, and dishwashers.

Hospitality jobs are already among the most stressful in the workforce. Combine that with the summer heat we get here in Brisbane, and the need for kitchen air conditioning quickly becomes obvious.

It’s not just restaurants, either. A comfortable workplace helps your staff keep a cool head – both literally and figuratively.

This is crucial in workplaces where pressure is high and decisions need to be made fast.

Comfort is also a significant player in retention.

Who’s going to want to stick around in a work environment where they feel like they’re physically suffering? Not many, we’ll bet!

Protect your stock from the heat

Your staff aren’t the only ones that might suffer a meltdown during the summer. There’s also your inventory, stock and machinery to think about!

Temperature is an important part of inventory management. Certain types of inventory are especially sensitive to heat, and can warp or break if the mercury climbs too high.

There’s also the question of machinery and equipment. Some pieces of equipment contain fragile components which mightn’t be able to handle high temperatures.

For example, computer components can overheat, permanently harming performance and even breaking them completely.

the modern shop interior ( photo )

Commercial air conditioning in Brisbane

Need air conditioning for your business in Brisbane? Call Tri-Tech Air Conditioning today!

We’ve been providing commercial air conditioning solutions for business properties all over Brisbane since 1989.

How have we managed to stay in business for so long? The answer is simple: unlike other installers, our focus is on drilling right down to your unique air conditioning requirements.

We look at every detail and angle to ensure you receive the perfect cooling solutions. That includes:

  • The size of your workplace
  • Insulation materials
  • Machinery and equipment (and how much heat they generate)
  • Window size, location, and orientation

Using this information, we build custom air conditioning solutions that give your business the perfect amount of cooling.

Whether you need a new system installed or an old one upgraded, give Tri-Tech a call today on (07) 3394 0222, or get in touch with us online!

2024-06-10T07:27:51+00:00 5 September 2018|Installation, Service, Systems|