
Everything you need to know about air conditioning leaks

  • air conditioning service in Brisbane

Drip. Drip. Drip.

If it’s working properly, the only thing coming out of your air conditioner should be cool, refreshing air (or alternatively, warm air if your HVAC system is set to heating mode).

Unfortunately, sometimes things go wrong and air isn’t the only thing your air conditioner pumps into your home.

Needless to say, this is a sign that things are going wrong with your system!

But what? What’s the problem, what might happen if you don’t get it looked at, and how can you get it fixed?

Tri-Tech are Brisbane’s most trusted air conditioning experts. If you suspect a refrigerant leak (or you’re experiencing any other problem with your air conditioning), book aircon servicing in Brisbane with Tri-Tech, ASAP!

Is it normal for air conditioners to drip water?

In most cases, no.

Some people will tell you that while an indoor leak is a problem, any dripping outside is normal.

And while in some cases some outside condensation is OK, leaking water can indicate that there’s a deeper issue.

Indoor leaks

While most dripping occurs on the outside, it isn’t unheard of for indoor leaks to occur from time to time.

And when this happens, the number one culprit is blocked filters.

A blocked filter stops cool air from being pumped back into your home. What’s more, it also leads to freezing issues as latent moisture trapped in the filter is constantly blasted with cool air.

When your system reaches the desired temperature, it powers down, leading to all of this latent moisture warming back up and melting.

The result? That tell-tale dripping in your home.

Outdoor leaks

The evaporator coil is located outside your home and is the key to your entire cooling system. Like the name suggests, it’s all about evaporation.

Naturally, this process leaves a lot of moisture and humidity behind.

Normally, most of this moisture drops down into the moisture pan in your outdoor unit and is then drained out.

In some cases however, issues with the drain pan or a blockage in a drain line can result in water backing up and leaking out!

Should I turn off my AC if it’s leaking?

If you can afford to go without an aircon for a while, then yes, we recommend shutting your unit down.

Until you determine the cause of the leak (as well as what’s leaking – more on that later) it’s simply safer to turn it off and find another way of staying cool, if possible.

Not to mention, running your air conditioning while it’s leaking can cause its own problems:

  • In some instances, it can exacerbate leaks
  • Oftentimes a leak can stop your cooling working properly, leading to wasted power
  • It can sometimes worsen the root cause of the leak

Better safe than sorry – until you know the issue, it’s best to shut your system off until it’s fixed.

Is water leaking from air conditioner dangerous?

It depends. if it’s water, then no; it’s just water.

Of course, while a water leak may not pose an immediate health problem, there is a risk of other secondary issues such as water damage and in particular, mould and mildew growth.

Not to mention, the potential slipping hazard if your home has a tiled or wooden floor.

Of course, not all air conditioning leaks are water…

Refrigerant leaks

While considerably rarer, it isn’t unheard of for air conditioning systems to leak coolant or refrigerant as well.

The thing with refrigerants like freon is that they can be quite dangerous. If they come into contact with exposed skin, they can result in nasty chemical burns.

(Incidentally, this is why anyone who wants to work in the air conditioning business needs to obtain a refrigerant handling license.)

Needless to say, any refrigerant leak needs to be identified – and more importantly, fixed – as soon as it’s detected in order to keep you and your family safe.

Air conditioner repairs in Brisbane

How do I know if my A/C is leaking freon or other refrigerants?

One of the first symptoms of a refrigerant leak is loss of cooling power – however, there are a lot of things that can cause your system to lose its capability, so you can’t rely on this one alone.

Luckily, there are a couple of other tell-tale signs that you can rely on to diagnose a potential refrigerant leak such as hissing noises coming from your system.

If you want to be 100% sure however, then you’re going to have to get in touch with a professional.

Using a mix of tools including electronic leak detectors (just to name one), our team can diagnose a refrigerant leak.

Now for the big question: how do you stop an air conditioner from leaking?

Answer: get in touch with an air conditioning team in Brisbane

Like most air conditioning problems, a leak isn’t something you can resolve on your own with a bit of DIY and time.

No, this is something that you’re going to have to call a professional for.

Air conditioner repairs Brisbane are essential the moment your system springs a leak.

Our mobile tech-team is committed to providing the best service possible. And we aren’t just talking about our workmanship, either – we’re also dedicated to supporting clients like you with:

Whether you need Daikin tech support, Mitsubishi Electric tech support or are still evaluating Daikin vs Mitsubishi for your property, our team is ready to lend their experience and opinions to your project.

Make your home more comfortable – give our air conditioning team a call today on (07) 3394 0222, or click here to get a free quote.

2024-04-26T01:29:40+00:00 11 January 2021|Repair, Replacement, Service, Systems|